Continue to express your love of music with The University Wind Ensemble! This ensemble provides you with the opportunity to perform the finest and most challenging traditional and contemporary wind and percussion literature by renowned composers.
Sebastian Bonaiuto
Ensemble Director
Student Executive Board

Ensemble Director Sebastian Bonaiuto
What sets us apart:
The typical University Wind Ensemble (UWE) member is a highly-motivated student for whom making music is a personal priority. Membership is by audition or invitation of the conductor.
- UWE performs six concerts a year, including the annual Bands of the Beanpot with Boston University, Harvard University, and Northeastern University, plus a BC Bands Christmas concert, and a concert during the Annual Boston College Arts Festival.
- In addition to musical excellence, we are committed to building community and social engagement. New members are assigned a UWE Buddy to help them acclimate to college and navigate the year with the ensemble. We also host barbecues, coffee dates, and other social activities.
Rehearsals are Mondays from 5:15-6:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 4:15-6:30 p.m.
UWE performs six concerts a year, including the annual Bands of the Beanpot with Boston University, Harvard University, and Northeastern University, plus a BC Bands Christmas concert, and a concert during the Annual Boston College Arts Festival. UWE members will also have the opportunity to participate in chamber ensembles throughout the year.
An audition schedule will be posted here when it becomes available.
The audition process consists of a reading session and an individual audition.
- The reading session is just like a typical rehearsal where everyone plays together. Everyone who is interested in auditioning is required to attend the reading session, including those who have been accepted through Advanced Placement. The audition music is distributed at the reading session and is for the student to take to practice for the individual audition.
- The individual audition is scheduled by each student for a time of their choice. At the individual audition, the student plays the audition excerpt distributed at the reading session and will also play a few short sight-reading etudes.
The University Wind Ensemble rehearses on Mondays from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 4:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. In addition, each section will schedule a one-hour section rehearsal at a time when everyone in the section is available.
Full ensemble rehearsals, section rehearsals, and lessons add up to a total of 5 hours per week. Members are also expected to practice outside of rehearsals to prepare the ensemble music. Individual practice time will vary for each member. When completing your class schedule, you should not schedule a class during the rehearsal times.
The UWE typically performs five concerts per year; three in the fall semester and two in the spring semester. Four of the concerts take place on campus. One of the fall concerts, Bands of the Beanpot, rotates locations between the four participating schools: Boston College, Boston University, Harvard University, and Northeastern University. The UWE also performs annually at the Boston College Arts Festival, which takes place on the last weekend in April on the Boston College campus.
Yes. The Boston College Bands Program maintains an inventory of high-quality instruments that we loan to students who play in our ensembles at no cost. Contact the Bands Office ( to arrrange an instrument loan.
Members can choose to wear:
- Black tuxedo or black suit with white dress shirt and black bow tie
- Plain, black floor to mid-calf length dress with full to ¾ length sleeves
- Black top with full to ¾ length sleeves paired with full-length bottoms (slacks or skirt)
Members should direct questions towards the UWE executive board ( if they are uncertain about the concert attire they are planning to wear.
There is nothing to prepare in advance of the audition. The audition music will be distributed at the reading session. Students will take the music with them to practice for the individual audition. The audition music consists of an excerpt from a piece which we will play at the first concert and a short sight-reading etude.